Payments card “Elcard» is a payment facility for management of your account. The card enables you to withdraw money from ATMs and POS terminals and to maintain a family account (opening of an account for all members of a family).

National Bank of Pakistan Bishkek Branch offers a card in national currency for a period of 2 years.
You can get the following benefits:

  • Safekeeping of cash on card account. Loss of card does not mean loss of money, card will be blocked if you notify bank or IPC immediately;
  • You get comfort and security of the electronic purse by using the card; Security and absence of risks as you do not have to carry big amounts of cash;
  • Bank card is not tied to bank time and have an opportunity to receive cash 24 hours a day in national currency in any ATM network;
  • Bank can additionally issue bank cards for members of family with cash withdrawal limits so that your children, other relatives can get certain amount for current expenses.

Usage of Elcard Network is becoming popular day by day by efforts made by banks of Kyrgyz Republic.

Utilities Payment

You can pay for the utility services through ATMs:

  • For heating and hot water;
  • For electricity;
  • The telephone BGTS.

Money transfer through ATM
If necessary, you can transfer any amount from your card account using the ATM “Remittances”.

What is necessary for getting a card:

  • to conclude agreement with the bank for issuance and maintaining card Elcard;
  • to submit your passport (identification document);
  • to pay fee for annual service.

Contacts: +996 (312) 62-47-21, +996 (555) 62-47-21, +996 (700) 62-47-22